Taste of my own medicine
Ever felt totally defeated and humiliated? Had a time when your ego was shattered into pieces that it would take a long time before it would heal and stick together? I bet nobody would enjoy that feeling. But life doesn't spare anybody. It gives everybody what they deserve. I have never been the hunter and have always been the hunted. I have been chased but never liked chasing. I have enjoyed it and felt it was fun. Just once I try to swap roles and I end up hurting myself really bad. What goes around does come around. I always feared it would though my friends tried convincing me it won't. There have been times when I have ignored people, avoided conversations and not ackowledged the presence of some. I realize how much that must have hurt and sometimes how wrong it was though I always felt I was right. It is indeed true that you don't realize what you are doing is wrong when you do it. I should have been prepared for getting back what I had always given to others. I am sure with time I shall heal and recuperate though I shall always remember this pain. And it is very clear that I have tried to make this post unclear. If you don't know what I am talking about, never mind asking. If you do, pretend you never read this. Trying to swallow this bitter pill, and getting a taste of my own medicine, here I blog.